Welcome to Our loveSKILLS Library!

Check out all the behind the scenes interviews with our incredible hosts and facilitators. 👇👇

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The Queen Rev. Mutima Imani (she/her)

The Power of Touch for Healing and Pleasure | Bringing Together your Sexuality and Spirituality 

Serena Wild Mermaid (she/her)

Serena’s Cove | a Wild Mermaid Journey to Erotic Freedom …………………

Trish Wright (she/they)

Cultivating Sexual Self Trust | Arousing Your Inner Sanctuary 

Deborah Kat (she/her)

Impact Play | A Sensual Journey

If you find this content valuable and would love to see more in the future, any and all support helps. There is never any expectation, we are just glad you’re here… and if you are able to support monitarily we welcome the support as it helps us continue to offer free resources just like these!


Sylvie Bee (she/her)

Kink for the Curious | For Those Looking to Push the Erotic Envelope

Cathy Reisenwitz (she/her/bitch)

Ladies is Pimps Too | Comparing Sex Work Regulation Models …………………

Angel Adeyoha (They/Them)

Fuck Up Better: A Quick and Dirty Workshop on Improving Our Apology Skils

Shaun Hamilton (He/Him)

When Your Partner Says #Me Too | Your Role and Responsibility In Their Healing

Marnika Shelton (They/Them)

Creating Authentic Intimacy: Healing Your Relationship to Shame

Lorina Manzanita (She/Her)

How Much Eros Can You Take? A Somatic Approach to Upleveling Your Erotic Inten*grity

If you find this content valuable and would love to see more in the future, any and all support helps. There is never any expectation, we are just glad you’re here… and if you are able to support monitarily we welcome the support as it helps us continue to offer free resources just like these!


Philippe Lewis (He/Him)

Attachment Theory: A New Way of Looking at Relationships and Intimacy

Andre Lazarus (He/Him)

Ethically Open: How to Navigate and Explore Opening Up Your Relationship

Professor Playtime (she/they) & Ali Bravo (She/Her) aka Professor Pervert

Destigmitizing STI Conversations | A Wholistic Approach to Our Saf(er) Sex Practices

Ele Jones (They/Them) ……………………………………..……………………………………..……………………………………..

Dissolving the Binary: Expanding The Borders of Play ……………………………………..