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Lorina Manzanita MA, SEP is a Somatic Sex & Relationship Coach and SE Trauma Resolution Practitioner. Her work integrates a number of healing systems that honor mindfulness and the body's intelligence. She helps individuals and partners cultivate essential skills and transform traumas so that they can experience more and more pleasure, presence and potency in their lives and relationships. With yum, laughter, intelligence and love Lorina crafts healing and learning experiences to help people around the issues of Eros, desire, boundaries, intimacy, sexual integrity and more.
How Much Eros Can You Take | A Somatic Approach to Upleveling Your Erotic Inten*grity
How much pleasure can you take before things get weird? Learn embodied ways to increase your capacity for pleasure, intimacy and connection and alchemize the unintegrated, shadowy stuff that gets in the way of your highest erotic intentions.
loveSkills Pre-Show
Your sneak peak behind the scenes of our upcoming erotic weekend! Tune in here M, W & F leading up to Jan. 22-23rd to learn more about me and the other hosts, their area of expertise, and what we are all SO excited for at loveSkills.