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Serena is a conduit for the wild feminine.
Her voice carries her codes in a Siren's song of love, death and erotic ecstasy. Her energy is a key to unlock portals to her wild realms.
She was born to parents from Bahia, Brazil. Her blood is a blend of African, European and Indigenous. Selvagem, her embodiment of the wild feminine,has always been in Serena’s bones but for decades she tuned her out - rejecting her roots and denying her desires.
After grief cracked her open in her twenties, she tamed herself for safety, trying to fit the boxes of a good daughter, then a responsible single mom.
she began to breathe again, perform again and unlocked the exquisite mysteries of her body and sex.
Now she is claiming her place on stage as a performance artist, ceremonialist and sensual Shaman, calling others to a remembrance of Selvagem - their wildness.
Serena’s Cove| A Wild Mermaid Journey to Erotic Freedom
The Goddess has granted Serena human form. By exploring her new body temple she is inspired to help us release shame around our wild sacred sexuality.
Join us for a rewilding of the erotic through the lens of innocence and wonder to uncover the magical possibilities available to us when we slow down and truly embody ourselves fully. When we are seated in our own essence and safety we can more effectively communicate our desires, fears, preferences and open up to truly receive from our body temple as well as from others. Journey into a realm with the potential for outrageous erotic freedom.