Informed sex is saf(er) sex.

We hear far too often how STI/STD stigma creates shame, harm, and disconnection in our world. Let’s all gather and practice ways to love one another and ourselves through saf(er) sex conversations.

Destigmatizing STI/STD Conversations

We will be offering this 2hr workshop 3 times over the course of 3 days. They will all be held on zoom.

Date: December 16th, 17th & 18th

Time: 6:30pm - 8:30pm PST

Where: Zoom Room near you (recording will be sent to participants)

Cost: Sliding Scale: $25-$55 (No one turned away for lack of funds!)

NOTE: We will be closing each workshop at maximum 35 people in order to be able to provide the proper support. If you want to join us, sign up ASAP as this class will fill up quickly!

In modern cultures STI and STD’s have been severely stigmatized.  In reality if you are a sexually active human, exposure to an STI/STD is a statistical inevitability. This misinformation and shame based rhetoric has led to far too much harm, confusion and pain. 

Unfortunately, not having the conversation is only putting each of us further at risk. We need to destigmitize the conversation around STI and sexual health practices in order to create a world where it is saf(er) to be sexually liberated. 

So let’s talk about how we can move away from shame based STI conversations and towards collaborative and compassionate informed consent...

In this 2hr workshop we’ll discuss and apply practical skills for:

❣️ Discussing our sexual health practices

❣️ Setting clear boundaries

❣️ Disclosing an Active STI/STD status

❣️ Receiving an Active STI/STD status

***Disclaimer: we are not doctors and will not be giving medical advice