loveSkills Tickets On Sale Now!

Travis Sigley - International, Ambiguously Gendered Person of Mystery!

Travis is a multifaceted practitioner, as a Sex Worker of 14 years, acrobat, dancer, Accountability Coach, Surrogate Partner in training, and culture crafter.

Travis is a self-described “work in progress,” to reinforce their perspective on the human experience.

Accountability as Care | Understanding Nuance & Building Skills for Regulating Conversations

In this workshop, we'll try some exercises exploring the different sensations and reactions of accountable conversations. Our goal together is to feel more equipped and at ease to approach and be approached by others in our lives.

Come prepared to be vulnerable!

loveSkills Pre-Show

Behind the scenes preview of what you can expect from Travis Sigley’s Accountability As Care workshop at loveSkills!

▶️ Airing on August 18th! >>